Gaining access to patient information

Improving access to patient screening information:

The Healthcare Provider Portal and integration with clinical information systems enable healthcare providers—including general practitioners, nurses, and specialists—to electronically access and submit bowel and cervical screening data in a streamlined, self-service manner.

These digital channels offer a more efficient way to interact with the NCSR, enhancing user experience while reducing reliance on paper forms, faxes, and phone calls.

Healthcare providers and practice/laboratory staff require one of the following access levels to view screening information in the NCSR:

Channels available to healthcare providers:

Integrate your clinical software

Enhance patient care and streamline workflows by integrating your clinical software with the NCSR to enable seamless access to patient screening information.

The Healthcare Provider Portal

If you don’t have access to compatible clinical software, the Healthcare Provider Portal enables GPs, nurses, other specialists, practice and laboratory staff to securely access and submit patient screening information.

Gaining access to participant information

Healthcare providers and practice/lab staff who require access to participant information held within the NCSR for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program and the National Cervical Screening Program need one of the following levels of access:

Healthcare Providers with a Medicare Provider number (MPN)

Follow the instructions in the Healthcare Provider Portal User Guide. Or provide it to the Contact Centre Operator when calling the NCSR.

Requesting delegate access – for nurses and practice/lab staff without an MPN

Nurses and medical practice/lab staff who do not have an MPN can be a delegate of a provider with an MPN.

When accessing the Healthcare Provider Portal, the healthcare provider you are requesting to be the delegate of must be a registered user within the Portal. Refer to the video below or the instructions in the Healthcare Provider Portal User Guide.

Requesting a Register Identifier Number (RIN) 

A Register Identifier Number (RIN) is a unique number used to authenticate healthcare providers who do not have access to a Medicare Provider Number.

The number is used to enable these providers secure access to their patient's cancer screening information via the Healthcare Provider Portal or when calling the Contact Centre.

Depending on the requirements of the state or territory, healthcare providers who deliver services across multiple locations may have multiple Register Identifier Numbers.

To register for a RIN and gain access to participant information held in the NCSR, you will need to complete the form below or call the Contact Centre on 1800 627 701 and provide the following information:

  • full name
  • clinic/practice name and phone number

The Contact Centre operator will call your clinic/practice to confirm your details. Further information may be requested if the operator is unable to verify your details.

To access the portal, you will need a PRODA account (an online identity verification and authentication system used to enable secure access to government online services). Please ensure the details in your Register Identifier Number request form match your PRODA details exactly.

Once complete, follow the instructions in the Healthcare Provider Portal User Guide.

Please note: It can take up to 4 weeks for a RIN application to be processed. If you work with a healthcare provider who has a Medicare Provider Number and has already gained access to the Healthcare Provider Portal, you have the alternative option of applying for delegate access.

Technical support

If you require assistance registering access for the healthcare provider portal or integrating your clinical software, call 1800 627 701 to speak to a member of our Contact Centre, or you can book in a time to receive a call back.

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