Register Identifier Number form
A Register Identifier Number (RIN) is a unique number used to authenticate healthcare providers who do not have access to a Medicare Provider Number.
The number is used to enable these providers secure access to their patient's cancer screening information via the Healthcare Provider Portal or when calling the Contact Centre.
To access the portal, you will need a PRODA account (an online identity verification and authentication system used to enable secure access to government online services). Please ensure the details you provide in this form match your PRODA details exactly.
Note: It can take up to 4 weeks for a RIN application to be processed.
If you work with a healthcare provider who has a Medicare Provider Number and has already gained access to the Healthcare Provider Portal, you have the alternative option of applying for delegate access.
This form can be used to:
- Apply for a Register Identifier Number, either for the first time or for an additional number
- Update details if you have an existing Register Identifier Number(s)
- Deactivate a Register Identifier Number should you no longer require it.