Healthcare Provider Portal User Guide

On this page:

1. About the Healthcare Provider Portal

The National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) allows for a single electronic record for each person in Australia participating in cervical and bowel screening.

The intention of this guide is to assist users to communicate and interact with the NCSR though the Healthcare Provider Portal.

The Healthcare Provider Portal allows those with a provider number and a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account to communicate with the NCSR in order to:   

  • Search for a participant and view their test results and screening histories
  • Submit information and forms to the NCSR – cervical and bowel-related program forms
  • View and update your patient’s details
  • Opt out, defer or cease your patient’s correspondence for either for bowel or cervical programs
  • Nominate other people to assist your patient (such as a personal representative or another healthcare provider)
  • Request replacement bowel screening test kits on behalf of your patients
  • Bulk order bowel screening test kits to your practice to issue to your eligible patients who may be overdue for screening, via the Alternative Access Model.

Please note, your access to what you can do on the NCSR will depend on what type of Healthcare Provider you will be registering and logging in as.

For further assistance, you can call the contact centre on 1800 627 701. The contact centre operates Monday to Friday, between 8am and 6pm in all Australian state and territory time zones.

You can also access our Quick Start Guide for the Healthcare Provider Portal, which provides a condensed version to the guide below.

Updated Participant Details and Alternative Access to Kits Model forms

Changes have been made to simplify these forms.


When issuing a kit to a patient through the Alternative Access to Kits Model, you will now see a shorter form with a new name.


The previous form called NBCSP – Alternative Access Model (Issue/Re-Issue Kit) is now called NBCSP – Bowel Kit Issued by Healthcare Provider

2. Walkthrough video guide

In this video series you’ll learn how to:

  • Register access to the Portal and log in via PRODA
  • Manage patient participation in the bowel and cervical screening programs
  • Manage your profile, and delegate access to providers without a Medicare provider number.

3. Who can use the Healthcare Provider Portal?

Previously, healthcare providers (e.g. general practitioners, nurses, and other specialists) had to call the National Cancer Screening Register, or the relevant pathology laboratory, to request patient information relating to bowel and cervical screening.

The Healthcare Provider Portal provides another avenue for health professionals to access and submit bowel and cervical screening data electronically in the National Cancer Screening Register in a self-service fashion.

4. Accessing the Healthcare Provider Portal

This section will guide you through accessing the Healthcare Provider Portal for the first time, how to request delegated access from a healthcare provider, and how to approve delegated access as a healthcare provider.

4.1. Logging into the Healthcare Provider Portal

Logging in using PRODA

Before you register for the Healthcare Provider Portal for the first time, you will need a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account.

PRODA is an online authentication system used to securely access certain online services including Health Professional Online Services (HPOS), National Disability Insurance Scheme, and the National Cancer Screening Register Healthcare Provider Portal.

For assistance with registering for a PRODA account, please see the PRODA Registration Guide  or visit our frequently asked questions about PRODA.

  1. Once you have a PRODA account, access the Healthcare Portal Login page
  2. Enter your PRODA Username and Password and select Login

4.2. Accepting the Terms and Conditions

Read the terms and conditions, then select Accept.

4.3. Selecting the type of user you are

In order to use the portal, you will be a:            

  1. General Practitioner or other Specialist
  2. Pathologist
  3. Delegate of one of the above roles
  4. Cervical non-Medicare Provider Nurse with an identification number.

Select the type of user you are from the following options:

  • You have a Medicare provider number
  • You have a State and Territories Access number (STAN) / Register Identification Number (RIN)
  • You are a delegate of a healthcare provider.

Select Continue and select the type of user you are.

4.4. Link a provider number to the NCSR

Type in your medical identifier, select Save and then select Link. You will now be re-directed to the Healthcare Provider Portal’s search participant page.

In order to link multiple provider numbers to the NCSR, select Add provider.

If you are a practice staff/lab user, view how to get delegated access.

5. Requesting and approving delegate access

Delegated access allows those without a Medicare provider number or STAN / RIN number to gain access to the NCSR with the permission of either a healthcare provider or a pathologist. An example of a person requiring delegated access could be a medical clinic’s administrative staff/practice nurse. This section will explain how to request this access, and how a Healthcare Provider Portal user can accept or reject these requests for access.

5.1. Requesting delegated access

Once you have chosen “I am a practice / lab staff acting on behalf of a healthcare provider” and clicked Select,

  1. Enter the provider number of the healthcare provider you would like to request access from and select Submit.
  2. The request will display as pending until the Healthcare Provider has accepted your request.

You will then be automatically logged out. You will need to contact the approving healthcare provider and ask them to logon to the Healthcare Provider Portal to approve your request. Once your delegate access has been approved you will be able to successfully access the National Cancer Screening Register Healthcare Provider Portal.

5.2. Approving delegated access as a healthcare provider

Select My Profile.

Select Manage Delegation. From this page, you will be able to view who you have allowed access to the Healthcare Provider Portal and new requests for delegated access.

Requests for access will have a status of “Pending”. Select Accept to approve access for your delegate.

6. Search for a patient and see their screening dates

This section will display how a Healthcare Provider Portal user can search for their Patient, view their eligible screening dates and their test results.

6.1. Searching for your participant

In order to perform a search, you will need to enter the following information:  

  • Medical identifier – either a Medicare number, Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) number or Register Reference Number (RRN) - Mandatory
  • Family Name – Mandatory
  • Given Name – Optional
  • Sex – Mandatory
  • Date of Birth – Mandatory.

Populate the patient’s details in the fields as required and then select Search.

If the search details exactly match a participant on the NCSR, then their result will populate under Participant list. Only one result will be returned. Select the row to be taken to the patient’s full profile. The full profile will display.

6.2. View your patient’s eligible screening action

When you have opened a patient record, you can view the patient’s screening information, including the Next Screening Action for any programs your patient is participating in.

The following Next Screening actions may be displayed for the participant:

Screening Action


Bowel Program


Participant is recorded on the National Cancer Screening Register as deceased.


Participant has been discharged from the screening program due to colectomy, confirmed diagnosis, Medicare restriction, participant has opted out or is not eligible for the bowel program.


Participant is under the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program’s eligible age.

Age Exited

Participant is over the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program’s eligible age.

Age Exiting

Participant is currently eligible, but will be over the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program’s age eligibility at their next screening invitation round.

Over Due (never screened, eligible since 50th birthday)

Participant has been previously invited and never screened as part of National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Due Now (eligible since 50th birthday)

Participant is a newly eligible person who has turned 50 years of age, but has not yet completed the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program screening kit.

Due Now (newly enrolled, eligible now)

Participant is newly eligible with Medicare and is now registered for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.  The participant has not yet completed a program kit.

Skipped Round (eligible on: [Date])

Participant is currently skipping a round (i.e. due to recent colonoscopy). Displays the date when the participant will be next eligible to screen for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Eligible on: [Date]

Participant has previously screened with the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. This is the date they are next eligible to screen as part of the National Cancer Screening Program.

Eligible since: [Date]

This participant has not recently screened with the National Bowel Cancer Screening. This is the date the participant has been eligible/due since. 

Cervical Program


Participant is recorded in the National Cancer Screening Register as deceased.


Participant has been discharged from the screening program due to hysterectomy.

Cancer – Exited

Participant has the “Cervical Cancer” alert set, and is likely in clinical management.


Participant is under the National Cervical Screening Program’s eligible age.

Age Exited

Participant is over the National Cervical Screening Program’s eligible age.


Participant has not screened as part of the National Cervical Screening Program before, or has not screened in previous years and is eligible for screening.

Due Now

Participant is now eligible to start a new screening round as part of the National Cervical Screening Program.

Commence at 25

Participant is under 24 years and 9 months, and has the status of "early screener", then their next action should state that they are due on their 25th birthday.

Referral Recommended

Participant referral to a specialist for further investigation is recommended.


The date when the participant will next be due for to screen for the National Cervical Screening Program.

Clinician-collected cervical sample for LBC needed. HPV (not 16/18) detected in self-collected vaginal sample

Participant should return for a clinician-collected LBC after a self-collected Cervical Screening Test detected HPV (not 16/18).

6.3. View patient alerts

From the participant section the alerts relevant to your patient will be displayed.  These alerts are to indicate certain program result alerts, or administrative alerts such as screening deferral or mail delivery failures. Note that some alerts may persist over several screening rounds.

The following alerts may be displayed where applicable:

Bowel Program

Cervical Program

6.4. View your patient’s test results and correspondence

From the participant section you will be able to view the patient’s previous results by selecting Forms, and then View on the row/ result you wish to open. The HCP can also print these forms if required. In this view, you can also see the Outcome of the form or participant’s test result. By selecting Delete you can also remove a previously submitted form if you were the user who originally submitted it.

You can also select Filter to filter by Submitted Date or Document Name. Partial text can be entered in these search fields (for example “result”).  Select Apply to search according to filter parameters.

From the participant section you will also be able to view the patient’s previous correspondence by selecting Correspondence, and then View on the row you wish to open, which a Healthcare Provider can also print as required.

You can also select Filter to filter by Received Date or Document Name. Select Apply to search according to filter parameters. 

7. Submitting information to the NCSR

This section explains how to locate a program form for submission to the NCSR for a patient. 

You can use these forms to:

  • Submit program Diagnostic Forms to the NCSR
  • Nominate a healthcare provider on your patient’s behalf
  • Nominate a Personal Representative on your patient’s behalf (bowel program only)
  • Manage  your patient’s participation including requesting replacement kits for bowel program
  • Edit your patient’s details
  • Issue bowel screening test kits directly your eligible patients via the Alternative Access to Kits Model, and print a pre-populated Participant Details Form to be returned with the kit.

To navigate to the forms from the patient profile, select the program, either Bowel or Cervical you would like to submit a form for, and then Forms.

From the New Form page, select the form to be filled out by selecting the Form Name.

Select Continue, and when the form is complete, select Submit.

7.1. Submitting Program forms to the NCSR

This section explains what forms are available to submit clinical information regarding a patient to the NCSR.

In the Healthcare Provider Portal, the following forms will be available, based on your role, to submit:

Form Name

Program available

Form description

NBCSP - Adverse Events Report

Bowel program

To be completed by colonoscopists to report information about an adverse outcome for a procedure relating to diagnostic investigation of a program participant who has received a positive FOBT result. This form is only used where that information has not already been included in the Colonoscopy Report.

NBCSP - GP Assessment Report

Bowel program

To be completed by general practitioners to provide information about consultations with program participants who have received a positive FOBT result.

NBCSP - Colonoscopy Report

Bowel program

To be completed by colonoscopists to report the results of a colonoscopy and histopathologists to report the results from testing specimens collected during the colonoscopy procedure for a Program participant with a positive FOBT result. This form also enables colonoscopists to report adverse events which may have occurred during the procedure or are known at the time of completing this form.

NBCSP - Histopathology Report

Bowel program

To be completed by a colonoscopist or histopathologist to report the results from testing specimens collected during the colonoscopy procedure for a Program participant with a positive iFOBT result.

NBSCP – Bowel Kit Issued by Healthcare Provider

Bowel Program

To be completed by healthcare providers issuing bowel screening test kits directly to patients via the Alternative Access to Kits model.

NCSP – Colposcopy and Treatment Form

Cervical program

To be completed by a colposcopist to notify prescribed cervical screening information to inform participant clinical pathways and support the safety net function of the NCSR. It is also used for reporting performance measures for colposcopists.

NCSP - Abnormal Result Questionnaire

Cervical program

This report is to provide information to the NCSR where a program participant has had abnormal cervical screening results, and the NCSR has not received notice that a colposcopy has been performed. The National Cervical Screening Program will send a letter to the Healthcare Professional to request this information where applicable.


Cervical program

Only for reporting cervical screening tests where the laboratory does not transmit cervical screening test results to the NCSR electronically (by HL7 format).

NCSP – Total Hysterectomy Assessment Form

Cervical program

To be completed by healthcare providers to notify the NCSR when a patient has had a total hysterectomy. This will ensure the hysterectomy is accurately reported against their record, and no further invitations and reminders for cervical screening will be sent to them from the NCSR.

View how to navigate to the Submit Forms page in the Healthcare Provider Portal.

7.2. Alternative Access to Kits Model

The Alternative Access to Kits Model allows health professionals to issue bowel screening kits to their patients directly. By recommending and explaining the test, healthcare providers  can help to remove barriers to screening for some people.

The Healthcare Provider Portal enables you to:

  • bulk order bowel screening test kits (iFOBT) directly to your practice
  • record when you have issued a kit to an eligible patient, and
  • track whether your patient has not yet returned their samples for testing  so you can encourage them to complete the test.

Bulk ordering bowel screening test kits

At the top of the Healthcare Provider Portal page, select iFOBT Bulk Order.

Before ordering kits for the first time, you must complete some short training to understand the Alternative Access to Kits model and your role in it.

Once you’ve done the training, click on Start order.

The Portal will pre-populate several fields, however you will need to enter your clinic name and phone number. 

While the address of the clinic will pre-populate, a different delivery address can be entered (which won't change the address held in Medicare, it will just be for this order).

Next, select the number of kits you want to order:

  • They’re ordered in batches of 10, with the recommended number, per provider, being no more than 30 kits.
  • More can be ordered if you have a large eligible patient base.
  • You will also be asked how many healthcare providers the request is for, how many kits you have in stock, and if you do have kits in stock, whether any are expiring within four weeks.
  • If you order over 40 kits per provider, you will be asked for a reason.

Click Next.

Then confirm your order by checking the acknowledgement and clicking Submit.

The next page will display your order confirmation. A tracking number will be displayed on the iFOBT Bulk Order page within 10 business days.

Issue kits directly to your patients

When you issue a kit to a patient during a consultation, it’s important to review their contact details held in the NCSR and update them as needed. This information will pre-populate your patient’s Participant Details form.

To record that you have issued a kit, go to the forms tab in your patient’s Bowel record, select the NBCSP – Bowel Kit Issued by Healthcare Provider form.

This will inform the NCSR that a kit has been issued and means the sample can be identified when being processed by the contracted pathologist. The form will not appear in the list if the patient is not due to complete a test kit or is ineligible.

Complete the form and ensure a nominated healthcare provider is listed to receive your patient’s results.

NBCSP Bowel kit issued by healthcare provider

After submitting the NBCSP – Kit Issued by Healthcare Provider form, a new tab will display the pre-populated Participant Details Form. Print this form for the patient to sign and return with their samples.

If you need to re-print the Participant Details Form, navigate to your patient's profile, select the Bowel program > Forms > then select Print/Re-print Participant Details Form.

The reprint option will only be displayed for participants who have been given a kit via the Alternative Access Model.

If the participant’s details are different to what is in their NCSR record, you will be able to update them once you have selected the Re-print button before printing the form. 

These details will pre-populate the newly generated Participant Details Form.

8. Managing your patient's information and participation

This section explains what forms are available to manage your patient’s participation in the NCSR with their consent.

In the Healthcare Provider Portal, the following forms will be available, based on your role, to submit on behalf of your patient:

Form Name

Program Available

Form description

Opt Out Form from the Bowel Program

Bowel program

Forthcoming bowel program results for the participant (screening test, dates and related procedure test results or diagnosis) are not accepted or recorded in the NCSR from the effective date, and no contact or correspondence is made or sent, including invitations to screen, reminder letters and follow-up actions.

Opt Out Form from the Cervical Program

Cervical program

Forthcoming cervical program results for the participant (screening test, dates and related procedure test results or diagnosis) are not accepted or recorded in the NCSR from the effective date, and no contact or correspondence is made or sent, including invitations to screen, reminder letters and follow-up actions.

Bowel Program Opt In Form

Bowel program

On behalf of the participant, request that they are to resume participation in to the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Cervical Program Opt In Form

Cervical program

On behalf of the participant, request that they are to resume participation in to the National Cervical Screening Program.

Defer Form from the Bowel Program

Bowel program

Electing your patient to not participate in a screening program for a defined period of time. They may return to the screening program any time after the deferment period has ended or at any earlier time if they withdraw a request or if a screening test result is received by the NCSR.

Defer My Next Screening Date Form from the Cervical Program

Cervical program

Electing your patient to not participate in a screening program for a defined period of time. They may return to the screening program any time after the deferment period has ended or at any earlier time if they withdraw a request or if a screening test result is received by the NCSR.

Cease Contact and Correspondence Form

Cervical program

Request that your patient no longer receive contact or correspondence from the NCSR for the Cervical Program only.

Ceasing correspondence is not an option for the Bowel Program.

View how to navigate to the Submit Forms page in the Healthcare Provider Portal. 

8.1. Updating your patient’s details

In the National Cancer Screening Register you will be able to change your patient’s details on their behalf.  You will be able to do this by selecting the Participant Details tab.  The details can be updated across both programs or for a selected program only. In this section you can also update your patient’s Indigenous status and country of origin details.

8.2. Nominate a healthcare provider on your patient’s behalf

In the NCSR, you will be able to nominate a Healthcare Provider for your patient to assist them and their participation in the program/s. You will be able to do this by selecting the Participant Details tab, and going to the Nominated Provider section.  The details can be updated across both programs or for a selected program only.

View how to navigate to the Participant Details tab in the Healthcare Provider Portal.

8.3. Nominate a Personal Representative on your patient’s behalf (bowel program only)

In the NCSR you will be able to nominate a personal representative for your patient to assist representing them and their participation. You will be able to do this by selecting the Participant Details tab, and going to the Personal Representative section.  The details can be updated across both programs or for a selected program only.

View how to navigate to the Participant Details tab in the Healthcare Provider Portal.

8.4. Submit general notes on your patient record

In the National Cancer Screening Register you will be able to save general notes to the patient record, by selecting the Notes tab.  General notes are for healthcare providers or delegates to record against the participant’s screening program record.  General notes should not include any clinical information as they will not be actioned by the National Cancer Screening Register. General notes can be viewed by you (and any delegates linked to the provider number) and the National Cancer Screening Register operators. Program forms should be used for any clinical updates or changes to the participant’s record.

You can save a draft progress note, and save a final progress note.

8.5. View my correspondence

You can view correspondence sent to you from the NCSR, via the My Correspondence tab. In this view you can view all correspondence that has been sent to you, across all patients.

This includes Alternative Access Model notifications to alert the nominated healthcare provider of follow-up or action required for patients.

Note: Use filters to refine your search and you may need to scroll to the bottom and use the slider.

9. Glossary of definitions



Bowel Participant

A person who has a Bowel Program FOBT result recorded on the NCSR

Bowel Program

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP).

Bowel Program Eligibility

Australians aged 50 to 74 are eligible for the immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Test (iFOBT) free of charge through the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Bowel Screening

Bowel screening involves testing for Bowel Cancer in people who do not have any obvious symptoms of the disease. The aim is to find cancers early when they are easier to treat and cure. Bowel screening can also find polyps, which may develop into cancer over time.

Cease Correspondence

This is a request to the NCSR by an eligible person, their personal representative or Healthcare Provider, for no contact or correspondence from the National Cancer Screening Register for the Cervical Program only.

Ceasing correspondence is not an option for the Bowel Program.

Cervical Participant

A person who has any cervical cytology or histopathology test recorded on the NSCR.

Cervical Program

The National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP).

Cervical Program Eligibility

Eligible women aged 25 years or over who have not yet started cervical screening will receive an invitation from the NCSR to have the new cervical screening test.

Cervical Screening Test

A Cervical Screening Test looks for signs of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Participants can either collect their own vaginal sample (self-collection), or have a healthcare provider collect a cervical sample (clinician-collected).

Correspondence Preference

This is what channels, such as text, email or letters, a participant of the NCSR would prefer to receive correspondence from for any programs they are participating in. 

Deferring participation

This is a request to the NCSR by a person, their personal representative or healthcare provider, who has elected to not participate in a screening program for a defined period of time. They may return to the screening program any time after the deferment period has ended or at any earlier time if they withdraw a request or if a screening test result is received by the Register.

Healthcare Provider

Has the same meaning as in the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 (Cth).

A person associated with either a health specialty or a health discipline and who is qualified and certified by regulatory bodies to provide a healthcare service to a patient. For example, a general practitioner, other specialist, colonoscopist, colposcopist, histopathologist, pathologist, nurse, midwife and Aboriginal Healthcare Worker.

Note: healthcare provider is the preferred term for use in National Cancer Screening Register documentation as opposed
to healthcare professional.

Register Reference Number (RRN)

A Register Reference Number (RRN) is the unique identifier assigned by the NCSR to the participant. It is used to authenticate an eligible screening participant.

Healthcare Provider Identifier – Individual (HPI-I)

Healthcare Provider Identifier – Individual (HPI-I) is a medical identifier for healthcare professionals involved in providing patient care.

Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)

Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O) – is a medical identifier for organisations that deliver healthcare (such as hospitals or general practices)

Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI)

Is a medical identifier for individuals receiving healthcare services

NBCSP - Adverse Events Report

To be completed by colonoscopists to report information about an adverse outcome for a procedure relating to diagnostic investigation of a Program participant who has received a positive FOBT result. This form is only used where that information has not already been included in the Colonoscopy Report.

NBCSP - Colonoscopy Report

To be completed by a Colonoscopist to notify prescribed bowel screening information to the Chief Medical Officer within 14 days of each colonoscopic episode. The information provided will inform participant clinical pathways and support the safety net function of the NCSR.

NBCSP - GP Assessment Report

To be completed by general practitioners to provide information about consultations with Program participants who have received a positive FOBT result.

NBCSP - Histopathology Report

To be completed by a colonoscopist or histopathologist to report the results from testing specimens collected during the colonoscopy procedure for a Program participant with a positive iFOBT result.

NCSP - Abnormal Results Questionnaire

This report is to provide information to the NCSR where a Program participant has had abnormal cervical screening results, and the NCSR has not received notice that a colposcopy has been performed. The National Cervical Screening Program will send a letter to the Healthcare Professional to request this information where applicable.

NCSP – Colposcopy and Treatment Form

To be completed by a colposcopist to notify prescribed cervical screening information to inform participant clinical pathways and support the safety net function of the NCSR. It is also used for reporting performance measures for colposcopists.

NCSP - Histology

To be completed by a histopathologist to report on the results of cervical histology from a pathology laboratory.


Only for reporting cervical screening tests where the laboratory does not transmit cervical screening test results to the NCSR electronically (by HL7 format).

Nominated Healthcare Provider

This is a request to the NCSR by an eligible person, their personal representative or healthcare provider, who wants to nominate a healthcare provider in relation to correspondence with the National Cancer Screening Register.

The nominated Healthcare Provider is able to access details about the participant and will, in addition to the participant, receive reminders and follow up for screening. Nominating a Healthcare Provider can be set per program

Opt back in

This is a request to the NCSR by an eligible person, their personal representative or Healthcare Provider who has opted out and who wishes to resume participation in a particular Screening Program facilitated by the NCSR. This is also referred to as withdrawing the opt out request.

Opt out

A request to opt out of all participation in the NCSR means that forthcoming results (screening test, dates and related procedure test results or diagnosis) are not accepted or recorded in the NCSR from the effective date, and no contact or correspondence is made or sent, including invitations to screen, reminder letters and follow-up actions.


This is an eligible person:

  • Who has elected to participate in at least one (1) Screening Round by way of undertaking a Screening Test
  • Whose invitation to screen has been brought forward by a healthcare provider (with consent)
  • Who is screened while attending a healthcare provider (with consent).

Personal Representative

A personal representative may be appointed by a participant or may be authorised to act on behalf of a participant in relation to the Register. This is recognised by the National Cancer Screening Register Act 2016.


PRODA is an online authentication system used to securely access certain online services including H POS and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as the NDIS. Designed as a two-step verification process, it requires a username, password and verification code to login.


This is a request to the NCSR by an eligible person, their personal representative or Healthcare Provider, who wants to use a pseudonym for the Register.

A person is able to request that an alternative name be used by the NCSR when communicating with them, to protect privacy while continuing to participate in the NCSR. If the participant wishes to change their formal name, as recorded with Medicare, they must contact Medicare directly, as the Register obtains the person’s name information from Medicare.

States and Territories Access number (STAN) and Register Identification Number (RIN)

The Register Identifier is a unique number/identifier that is used to authenticate cervical screening providers who do not have access to a Medicare provider number, when calling the NCSR Contact Centre to access participant information. Depending on the requirements of the state or territory, healthcare providers who deliver services across multiple location may have multiple Register Identifiers.

Request to the Register

A request to the NCSR can be made under the National Cancer Screening Register Act 2016 to:

  • Defer screening (or participation)
  • Cease correspondence (cervical program only)
  • Opt Out
  • Opt In
  • Nominate a Healthcare Provider
  • Nominate a Personal Representative
  • Nominate a pseudonym.