Request a free bowel test kit

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program offers a free, simple test for eligible Australians to reduce illness and death from bowel cancer.

  • Eligible people aged 45 to 49 can request their first free bowel cancer screening kit be mailed to them. Use the form below.
  • Eligible people aged 50 to 74 will continue to receive a bowel cancer screening kit in the mail every 2 years. Use this form if you didn't receive your last kit or if it was damaged, misplaced, or expired.

Not sure if you should request a kit? Call our Contact Centre on 1800 627 701.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Request a free bowel test kit

Are you completing this form for yourself? *

Your details:

Participant details:

Patient details:

By requesting a kit, you are joining the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Your next test kit will automatically be mailed every 2 years after your last screening test is completed.

Provide given name(s) and family name, as recorded with Medicare:

The number displayed at the upper right of your bowel screening letter or lower left of your cervical screening letter

We require an email address so we can contact you if there are any issues processing your request. If you prefer not to share your email or do not have one, please call our Contact Centre at 1800 627 701.

If you would like the participant to be contacted if there are any issues processing this request, please provide their email address.

If you would like your patient to be contacted if there are any issues processing this request, please provide their email address.

Healthcare provider details:

If you are filling in this form as a healthcare provider on behalf of a patient, please provide your name and contact information.

Please ensure the address matches the one registered against your medical ID number

We require an email address so we can contact you if there are any issues processing your request.

Authorised personal representative details:

To fill in this form as an authorised personal representative, your details must be registered with the NCSR as the screening participant’s personal representative, otherwise we will not be able to process your request.

If you are unsure, please call our Contact Centre on 1800 627 701 before filling in this form.

We require an email address so we can contact you if there are any issues processing your request.

Any personal information provided to the NCSR, including your email address, will only be used to assist in processing this request.

For more information on how personal information is handled, view the privacy policy and frequently asked questions.

  • My request will only be processed if I am eligible to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
  • If I live in a hotter part of Australia, my kit will be mailed in the cooler months, as exposure of collected samples to high heat can affect test results. You or your doctor can override this delay and request a kit be mailed to you now by calling the NCSR Contact Centre on 1800 627 701. However, you must keep your samples cool by following the test instructions.
  • I may withdraw my request at any time by completing a withdraw request form, or by calling the NCSR Contact Centre on 1800 627 701.
  • I declare that I am the screening participant and submitting this form on my own behalf.
  • This request will only be processed if the participant is eligible to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
  • If the participant lives in a hotter part of Australia, their kit will be mailed in the cooler months, as exposure of collected samples to high heat can affect test results. The participant or their doctor can override this delay and request a kit be mailed to them now by calling the NCSR Contact Centre on 1800 627 701. However, they must keep their samples cool by following the test instructions.
  • I, or the participant, may withdraw this request at any time by completing a withdraw request form, or by calling the NCSR Contact Centre on 1800 627 701.
  • I declare I am the participant's personal representative and submitting this form with their consent.
  • This request will only be processed if my patient is eligible to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
  • If my patient lives in a hotter part of Australia, their kit will be mailed in the cooler months, as exposure of collected samples to high heat can affect test results. The patient or their doctor can override this delay and request a kit be mailed now by calling the NCSR Contact Centre on 1800 627 701. However, samples must be kept cool by following the test instructions.
  • I, or my patient, may withdraw this request at any time by completing a withdraw request form, or by calling the NCSR Contact Centre on 1800 627 701.
  • I declare I am the patient's healthcare provider and submitting this form with their consent.
Acceptance of terms *